The Best Food For Breast Cancer Patients

When trying to recover from breast cancer , of course, there are foods that become taboo and recommended by doctors . Certain foods are suggested to help speed healing . And generally really substantial effect if strictly followed .

Reported by Boldsky , doctors advise you to increase the consumption of these foods in order to get well from breast cancer :


Antioxidant content in fruit can help ward off free radicals which function to prevent the formation of cancer cells . In addition, he will help the recovery of the body so that the body does not look fresh and pale skin .


The starchy tubers will also provide enough energy for cancer patients to recover his body . Moreover, who is undergoing chemotherapy treatment , of course, the body needs sufficient energy .

Advised to boil or steam the potatoes when will consume . May add a little salt to taste delicious .

whole wheat

Consumption of dietary menus are much more healthy for the body . Like one of them whole grains. Neither must consume excessive , in moderation only as an energy source for the body .


Even though many people think that it is junk food , but pasta actually contains many ingredients that are healthy for the body . Condition is not to cook pasta using instant seasoning . But it is more advisable to mix their own ingredients .

Lean meat

Are undergoing chemotherapy treatment , it is recommended to consume red meat is low in fat and low in cholesterol . You can choose which part is not much fat content .

long beans

Long beans good for breast cancer patients . A healthy menu for the fight against cancer . Processed by pan-fried or boiled to make it more healthy and beneficial .

drinking milk

Do not be afraid of fat while drinking milk . Precisely during chemotherapy treatment or cure of cancer , you need a lot of energy . This energy can be obtained by drinking milk and eating other dairy products .


Choose section to consume egg whites for breakfast . Egg white useful against cancer cells in the body .


Other sources of protein you can get through the fish . But choose the best quality fish and nutritional yes , such as salmon and tuna .

By eating foods that are healthy and run healthy life , battling cancer will be much easier . Just believe in miracles and still eager to fight cancer . Your body is much more powerful than the cancer cells themselves .

Unique Habits That Help Reduce Your Weight

Slim body is the dream of every person , especially women . But the types of diets that are too tight too influential on the failure of the diet . Then , how to diet fun ? berita unik dan seru Lately emerging diet popularized by the illusionist Deddy Corbuzier . In addition , as reported by the some tips or habits that tend to be unique that can help you lose weight . What are they? Check this out ...

Try using toothpaste diet

Huh ? Do we have to eat toothpaste to replace the food that we eat everyday ? Ladies calm , not semenakutkan it . You do not have to inhale or eat the toothpaste , but the scent of mint toothpaste can help your diet . If your appetite has exceeded the limit , try brushing your teeth . This will help your brain signaled to stop eating . After all , if you want to keep eating , scent of mint toothpaste attached to your mouth will reduce the taste of food . Coupled with the already net your mouth , it will definitely make you lazy to chew your food longer . In addition , regular brushing is also a good habit if done appropriately and regularly . But Ladies , you may not bring toothpaste wherever you are is not it? Try to take less sugar gum with mint flavor , appetite whenever you attack , try to chew the gum .

Make food around you feels unfit to be eaten

Many tempting food around you , might make indiscriminate appetite . The following tips are ways to make foods that are very tempting around you makes you feel so iyeeuuwwh to eat it .

Use a little dirty equipment , for example a plate or spoon that had long been unused . You will feel lazy to eat your resume .
Place the napkin that had been used in over your food , this way you will feel sick to continue eating your food .
Buy two pounds a kilo of animal fat , wrap it and put it on your refrigerator or cupboard . Each of you will pick up the food , as if reminded you to glance at the thigh or belly fat is fat as in the example you buy . Ugh ..
Attach photos with your heaviest weight in places that are visible when you take food . This will indirectly reduce your appetite and control the calories that go in your body .
Avoid storing food reserves

If you really intend to reduce your weight , clean your cupboard or fridge from snack . Replace it to store fruit or vegetable , so if you are hungry you replace it by eating fruit snacks .

Remain free to eat your favorite cake

Hobby of making cakes often makes you hard to avoid not taste it . Though made ​​cake or cookies contain a lot of calories . But do not worry , use a clever way to get around that intake of calories you consume is reduced . For instance , use only the egg whites every time you make a cake . Or you can replace butter or oil with applesauce . This will reduce the consumption of 1000 calories and 14 grams of fat . Be sure also to reduce the amount of sugar and add applesauce to produce a sweet taste .

Increase your sense of humor

Like most people say , that laughter helps you burn calories . It is true . Try to catapult fresh joke - joke or laugh if someone you are trying to joke . The researchers also say that the happy life , people tend to choose a diet and a healthy lifestyle , such as reducing smoking . Laughter will also extend the life of you . According to researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine , laughing will enhance your blood circulation up to 20 % and prevent hardening of the arteries . So , enter laughing as your healthy lifestyle choices and laugh at least 15 minutes per day .

Choose a free drink or the cheapest

Water is one drink that is healthy , but there are other reasons that often arises why people prefer to drink water . FREE . Have you come to a restorant and was shocked to see your bill ? Not the food that makes it expensive , but it drinks like a glass of soda , a cup of coffee , or a glass milkhake . Try to drink water instead of your beverage taste . You drink soda contains about 150 calories , alcoholic beverages also contain 170 calories , and there are some beverages that contain up to 300 calories . Then why do you not prefer to drink water that contains only zero calories ?

No need to diet is complicated and tedious to succeed your diet Ladies . Small things can be fun and help you get the body shape you desire .

Beware of Early Heart Disease

Now , often in cases of sudden death in the young Ladies . Once traced , it turns out most of the cause is a disturbance in the heart . Yet quiet , sudden death at a young age is rare . Moreover , now there is a service to check your heart health . So , do not worry too much about this .

Reporting from MayoClinic site , sudden death is usually due to a disturbance in the heart , but the disorder is not visible . Often cases of sudden death is experienced while doing physical exercise . But as said earlier , that this rarely happens . Many students who take the sport race but suffered no significant interference .

What causes this sudden death ?

There are a number of causes of sudden death at a young age . But most of it is because there are not normal in their heart , such as the existence of something that makes their heart beats too fast .

Here are examples of abnormalities in the heart that can cause sudden death :

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ( HCM )

This disease is very difficult to detect . This is most often the cause of sudden death . This disease occurs due to sudden cardiac vessels thicken . This then makes the heart unable to pump blood .

Coronary arteries that are not normal

This disease is usually congenital . Abnormal position , causing the veins to drain blood disorders .

Long QT Syndrome ( LQTS )

In this disease , there are parts of the heart are changed . This causes the heart rate is too fast . In such conditions, people affected by LQTS going to faint . People with this disease are prone to sudden death .

Are there any symptoms that can be seen from this heart problems ?

So far , the death occurred without any signs at all . However , there are two things that the symptoms can be observed :

Often suddenly fainted

If while doing physical activities like fitness you often suddenly fainted , there will likely be something wrong with your heart . The best thing to do is check their haris on doctors and reduce strenuous activities .

There are families who have a history of heart disease

If you have a family that had experienced sudden death , it is better if you consult your health with your doctor . These symptoms are not so obvious like symptoms swooning over , but it's good to use just in case .

That is the main cause of the occurrence of sudden death , namely heart disease. If there are symptoms mentioned above , immediately consult a doctor seems to be the best decision to be taken .

Penyebab Kulit Kering

Aplikasi berulang ( biasanya selama beberapa hari ) dari emolien dan atau lotion kulit / krim ke daerah yang terkena mungkin akan mengakibatkan pengentasan cepat xeroderma . Secara khusus , penerapan hambatan yang sangat oklusif terhadap kelembaban , seperti petrolatum , minyak sayur / mentega , dan minyak mineral telah terbukti memberikan hasil yang sangat baik .

Banyak orang juga menemukan spesifik krim kulit komersial dan lotion ( minyak sering terdiri dari , mentega , dan atau lilin diemulsikan dalam air ) cukup efektif (meskipun preferensi individu dan hasil bervariasi di antara berbagai macam krim yang tersedia secara komersial ) . Lanolin , campuran alami lipid berasal dari wol domba , membantu mengganti lipid alami di kulit manusia dan telah digunakan sejak zaman kuno (dan dalam kedokteran modern ) sebagai salah satu pengobatan yang paling ampuh untuk xeroderma [ 6 ] Namun , murni lanolin adalah . 

Sakit gigi karena gigi berlubang
Menjaga kesehatan itu penting

Sebuah zat lilin tebal yang , bagi banyak individu , terbukti sulit dan tidak nyaman untuk penggunaan umum pada kulit kering ( terutama di daerah yang luas dari tubuh) . Akibatnya , banyak produk lanolin dirumuskan , memiliki konsistensi lembut daripada murni lanolin , tersedia [ 7 ] (lihat link eksternal di bawah dan atau berkonsultasi dengan apoteker untuk rekomendasi mengenai formulasi speadable tersedia secara komersial terdiri lanolin ) .

Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat dengan Jagung Muda

Bagaimana sih cara menghilangkan bekas jerawat? Itu adalah pertanyaan yang sering muncul di benak kaum wanita yang memiliki masalah kulit berjerawat. Meskipun hanya satu titik, terkadang bekas jerawat bisa membuat kepercayaan diri menurun. Meskipun saat ini bukan lagi menjadi sebuah masalah besar karena dengan kemajuan teknologi, itu semua bisa diatasi.

Sayangnya, untuk menghilangkan bekas jerawat dengan menggunakan cara-cara medis cukup mahal harganya. Penggunaan obat jerawat yang banyak beredar di pasaran pun dinilai tidak cukup efektif menghilangkan bekas jerawat. Belum lagi dengan kekuatiran efek samping yang akan ditimbulkannya jika salah dalam membeli obat.
cara menghilangkan bekas jerawat
Ilustrasi Jagung Muda
Nah, bagi Anda yang masih kuatir dengan penggunaan obat jerawat buatan pabrik, ada cara lain menghilangkan bekas jerawat dengan bahan-bahan alami dan lebih aman. Selain lebih aman, harganya pun lebih murah dan mudah ditemukan disekitar kita dan cara pengolahannya pun lebih praktis. Adalah jagung muda, salah satu bahan alami yang bisa Anda jadikan obat untuk bekas jerawat Anda.

Cara pengolahannya, parut halus jagung muda dan campurkan 1/2 sendok madu dan aplikasikan pada wajah Anda sebagai masker. Diamkan selama beberapa menit hingga mengering dan bilas wajah Anda dengan air bersih. Lakukan hal ini beberapa kali sampai bekas jerawat di wajah Anda mulai menghilang. Nah, itulah cara menghilangkan bekas jerawat, selain aman, juga lebih mudah.

Silahkan bagikan artikel cara menghilangkan bekas jerawat ini jika Anda merasa artikel ini bermanfaat. Salam

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